
Man was created by the special act of God, in His own image, and is the crowning work of His creation. "The creation of man is simply stated in the Bible." So God created man in his own image. ...And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul (Gen.1:27; 2:7).

Only of man is it said that he was made in God's image. Since God is Spirit, this image relates to man's spiritual nature. This divine image means that God created man with a rational, emotional, and moral nature. He possesses a will with the freedom of choice. In his original creation, man was in a state of innocence with the possibility that he might choose righteousness or sinfulness. God's image in man is also seen in that he was to have dominion over the lower orders of creation.

God does not need us, but He created man for his glory, ”whom I created for my glory” (Isa. 43:7), we and the rest of creation glorify him and bring him joy.

This fact guarantees that our lives are significant and important. This also makes us know, our purpose must be to fulfill the reason that God created us: glorify him, enjoy him, and take delight in him and in our relationship with him.

However, our ancestors, Adam and Eve, through the temptation of Satan man transgressed the command of God, and fell from their original innocence; whereby their posterity inherit a nature and an environment inclined toward sin. This was the result of man's decision to eat the fruit contrary to God's will. And this willful decision constituted sin.

In the Bible, sin is described as crookedness, violence, lawlessness, iniquity, wickedness, offense, and rebellion. Sin may be defined as rebellion against God's will. The root of sin is selfishness, centering one's life on oneself rather than on God. God does not classify sins as large or small, heavy or light. Any transgression of God's will is a sin (Jas. 2:9-11). The greatest sin is unbelief with respect to Jesus Christ (John 3:18).

About man, his body is akin to the natural elements. His physical life is akin to all animal life. But as a living soul, he is made in God's image and likeness. It should be noted that man was made to live forever. It was after he had sinned that he became subject to death; his body shall return to the ground (see Gen. 3:19). The body is mortal; the soul is immortal.

The sinners were driven from God's presence, for a holy God cannot condone sin. Their sin had separated them and their God. Furthermore, their bodies became subject to the ills and pains of life. It should be noted that while God hates sin, he loves the sinner. Even in Eden, before he pronounced judgment upon man, he threw out the promise of redemption (Gen.3:15).

Only the grace of God can bring man into His holy fellowship and enable man to fulfill the creative purpose of God. Despite the fact of man's sordid record, he still remains the crown of God's creation. Even as a sinner, he is the object of God's eternal love as seen in the fact that Christ died to save him (Rom. 5:8). It follows naturally, therefore, that man is of infinite worth in God's sight.

In the New Testament, we see that our redemption in Christ means that we can, even in this life, grow progressively in likeness to God. For example, Paul says that as Christians we have a new nature that is “being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator” (Col. 3:10)