The purpose of the First Chinese Baptist Church of Atlanta:
FCBCA exists to glorify and worship God, to edify and encourage believers to be like Christ, and to build the kingdom of God by sharing the good news of Christ where we are and around the world.
尋找未得之民 Seek the unchurched
建造基督信徒 Edify the disciples
差派傳揚福音 Evangelize the world
活出生命見證 Demonstrate a Christ-centered life
1. 聖經
2. 神
3. 聖父
4. 耶穌基督
5. 聖靈
6. 人
7. 救恩
8. 末後的事
9. 教會
10. 婚姻
本會謹遵照所屬美南浸信會之 “信仰宣言” 中對家庭婚姻的聲明:
11. 禮儀
A. 浸禮是信徒順服基督的表現,象徵與基督同死,同埋葬,同復活。
B. 主餐
*我們的 “信仰宣言”,是根據美南浸信會的 “浸信會信仰與信息”
1. Bible
We believe the Holy Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, is inspired by God, and therefore is complete and perfect. It is the supreme authority and the standard of Christian faith and living.
2. God
We believe God is eternally existing, the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver and Ruler of the universe. The eternal triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the One and only One true God.
3. God the Father
We believe the almighty Father, the creator of heaven and earth, is the heavenly Father of all believers. He reigns over the universe and human history according to His grace.
4. Jesus Christ
We believe Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He is the same nature, essence, and being as God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the word become flesh. Jesus was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. By His obedience He died on the cross and shed His blood for the redemption of men from sin, resurrected on the third day, physically ascended into heaven, and will return. He is the only Mediator between God and man.
5. Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is the Comforter of believers, convicts men of their sins, and affects repentance and regeneration. He enables the saints to understand the truth, sanctifies and comforts them.
6. Man
We believe man was created in the image of God. By his free choice man sinned against God and brought sin into the human race. In so doing, man alienated himself from God and was thus condemned and incapable of saving himself. Only the grace of God in Christ can bring man into holy fellowship and enable man to fulfill the creative purpose of God.
7. Salvation
We believe salvation is the grace of God. By the atonement of Jesus Christ and the conviction of the Holy Spirit, man can be justified through faith in Christ. The process of salvation includes: regeneration, justification, sanctification and glorification. God will preserve whom He has chosen to the end.
8. Last Things
We believe that Jesus Christ will return to establish the eternal kingdom. All people, righteous and unrighteous, will be resurrected and judged. The righteous will dwell in eternal blessing, and the unrighteous will be consigned to eternal punishment.
9. Church
We believe the church is a congregation of believers, whom God called out from the world to be sanctified to belong to Christ. Believers edify and serve one another through the truth and gifts from the Holy Spirit. The functions of the church are worship, discipleship, fellowship, ministry and evangelism. The objective of the church is to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission.
10. Marriage
This church adheres to the doctrinal statements on Marriage and Family by our denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, as stated in the most recent version of the Baptist Faith and Message that marriage is to be defined biblically and theologically in God’s own terms rather than man-made terms; and further that this church intentionally adheres to the highest standards for marriage, namely biblical standards, and that other legal definitions and court actions are secondary to biblical mandate.
11. Ordinances
We believe there are two ordinances God instructs the church to observe:
A. Baptism
It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer’s faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior by immersion in water.
B. Lord’s Supper
The bread and the cup of the Lord’s Supper symbolize Christ’s body and blood. Believers commemorate Christ’s death until He returns
*Our “Statement of Faith” is based on the “Baptist Faith and Message”
(SBC faith confession)
自 2024 年 4 月起,陳牧師開始在FCBCA投入服事。他擁有豐富的牧會經驗,在過去的近 19 年間曾在 Crosspoint 灣區匯點教會擔任過多項職務,包括下一代事工牧師、小組牧師、粵語牧師、教育部主任和區域主領牧師等。陳牧師與師母 Sue 結婚超過 30 年。除了致力於事奉,牧師熱愛游泳和遠足。他最喜歡的活動之一是與師母一同探索大自然,欣賞神創造的美好。陳牧師熱衷於教導、講道、關懷有需要的人,並見證主如何改變人的生命。
自 2024 年 4 月起,陈牧师开始在FCBCA投入服事。他拥有丰富的牧会经验,在过去的近 19 年间曾在 Crosspoint 湾区汇点教会担任过多项职务,包括下一代事工牧师、小组牧师、粤语牧师、教育部主任和区域主领牧师等。陈牧师与师母 Sue 结婚超过 30 年。除了致力于事奉,牧师热爱游泳和远足。他最喜欢的活动之一是与师母一同探索大自然,欣赏神创造的美好。陈牧师热衷于教导、讲道、关怀有需要的人,并见证主如何改变人的生命。
Since April 2024, Pastor Chan has been serving at FCBCA. He brings with him a wealth of pastoral experience, having served in various roles at Crosspoint Church in the Bay Area over the past 19 years. His roles included Next Generation Ministry Pastor, Small Group Pastor, Cantonese Pastor, Director of Education, and Stockton Zone Lead Pastor. Pastor Chan has been married to his wife, Sue, for over 30 years. Besides his dedication to ministry, he enjoys swimming and hiking. One of his favorite activities is exploring nature with his wife and appreciating the beauty of God's creation. Pastor Chan is passionate about teaching, preaching, caring for those in need, and witnessing how the Lord transforms lives.
In August 2022, God led Pastor Paul Xu to shepherd the Mandarin-speaking congregation at the First Chinese Baptist Church of Atlanta (FCBCA). Pastor Xu received theological training both in China and the United States and has served in churches in both countries for many years. His roles have included seminary teacher, youth pastor, and Mandarin pastor. Pastor Xu has been married to his wife, Angela, for over 20 years, and they have two daughters.
Pastor Xu loves sharing the Good News with others, singing hymns, and warmly interacting with people. His passion is to live a life that exemplifies Christ in front of others.
鍾義絡傳道與師母 Alice 恩愛有加,他們有兩個漂亮可愛的孩子:Evelyn 和 Elijah。在加入 FCBCA 之前,鍾傳道曾擔任新奧爾良浸信會神學院的兼職教授,並擁有十多年的教會事工經驗。由於他在音樂方面有出色的天賦,他熱衷於讚美和敬拜。鍾傳道和師母 Alice 非常享受與朋友們的溫馨相聚,尤其是在美食相伴的時刻!
钟义络传道与师母 Alice 恩爱有加,他们有两个漂亮可爱的孩子:Evelyn 和 Elijah。在加入 FCBCA 之前,钟传道曾担任新奥尔良浸信会神学院的兼职教授,并拥有十多年的教会事工经验。由于他在音乐方面有出色的天赋,他热衷于赞美和敬拜。钟传道和师母 Alice 非常享受与朋友们的温馨相聚,尤其是在美食相伴的时刻!
Pastor Micah is lovingly married to Alice and they have two beautiful children: Evelyn and Elijah. Prior to joining FCBCA, Pastor Micah served as an Adjunct Professor at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He joins us with over a decade of church ministry experience. Because of his wonderful gifting in music, he is passionate about praise and worship. Pastor Micah and Alice greatly enjoy the warm company of friendship... especially over yummy food!